Eco Blast Cleaning Methods

Advanced Eco Blast uses a variety of cleaning methods depending on the requirements of the specific project. As not every building structure is the same, an initial meeting is required to inspect the site and assess the type of cleaning needed.

The options include

  • Soda blasting
  • Steam cleaning: DOFF & TORIK System
  • Chemical cleaning
  • Jet washing
  • Sand / shot blasting: TORC & CLEMCO System
Soda Blast Cleaning

Soda Blasting is a process that can strip almost any surface in an efficient and safe manner. Depending on the task, we use different media such as Bicarbonate of Soda or other more cost effective fine grade media.

Other media mix used are a very fine blend of eco-friendly natural elements, soft abrasives, suitable for removing heavy coatings on metal, wood and brick.

For objects or surfaces that may be considered more ‘delicate ‘or “tougher” to clean, our operators are trained to adapt the process by varying the pressure and nozzles to achieve the best results.

Due to the methods and materials used, no surface damage occurs in our cleaning process.

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Steam Cleaning
Chemical Cleaning
Jet washing
Sand / shot Blasting

© Advanced Eco Blast provides a full range of commercial cleaning services using eco-friendly methods

  • 196 Sketty Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 3SJ
  • 07866719903
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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